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Dad's Club

Welcome to Dad's Club!

Founded in 1948, the Dads' Club at RHS has a long history of rich contributions to the school.  The Dads' Club gives dads and other members of the community a chance to connect with the school in three ways:

  • Open to all interested parents and community members (not just dads!)
  • Learn about what's going on at school through discussions at the monthly meetings
  • Meet other parents in a relaxed atmosphere either at meetings or working on events and projects
  • Make a positive, physical contribution to the school through community events, fundraising and work days
  • Dads Club sponsors many of the school's annual events including the Fall Carnival, the Variety Show, Spaghetti Feeds, the Annual Golf Tournament and more.  We also partner with the PTA to support the Auction and Walkathon fundraisers.  Funds raised by the Dads Club benefit the Art Program, Music program, classroom field trips, technology and facilities improvements, and various other needs.

In addition to community events and fundraising, the Dads Club tackles many projects around RHS to improve our children's learning environment. Many of the structures around the school and in the classrooms (e.g., cubbies, bookcases, planter boxes, and wall hangings) were built and are maintained by the Dad's Club.

Membership is very casual. If you want to see what we're up to, just drop in on our monthly planning meeting. You can also join our e-mail list to receive announcements about club activities. And feel free to contact any of the officers listed below if you have any questions or suggestions.

Dad's Club President: 

Christophe Gerbelot

Dads Club

Email Dad's Club President

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