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Become a PTA Member

Why Join the Redwood Heights PTA?

  • For Your Child. Years of research have proven that children do better in school when their parents are involved, both at home and in school. Grades are higher. Self-esteem grows. Become a role model that clearly demonstrates to your child the importance you place on education.
  • To Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in our school. You’ll meet other parents and teachers, build rapport, discuss issues that are on your mind, and have a voice. As a parent or guardian, it helps to share ideas, concerns, and experience with other parents, guardians, and educators in the community.
  • To Be Part of the Solution. Redwood Heights PTA plays an vital role in fundraising to support curriculum-based programs including Art, Library, Music, Garden & Ecology, Computer Science and other enrichment programs no longer covered by state or local funding. All of this is vital to our school’s—and your child’s—success.  You have an opportunity to put your skills to good use for a good cause - helping your child and all children in the community.

You will see the improvement. By being involved in the school you will be part of the solution, helping to make positive changes.

Join the RHS PTA

You can now complete your membership and pay your annual dues from the comfort of your own computer or smartphone.

Sign up

$11 per member. Go online, it's that easy!

Or you can Pick up a membership form in the office. Make your checks payable to RHS PTA and return them to the office.

You’ll receive a PTA membership card that you can use to receive discounts at many merchants.