Volunteer at RHS
What can you do?
Volunteer opportunities abound at RHS. Whatever your ability and interests afford, there is a job waiting for you! You will make a difference.
You know it takes a village. Volunteers are vital to RHS's success. From working in the classroom, to weekend construction or garden jobs, to planning a fundraising event, there’s a way for you to help that suits your style.
RHS asks that you give a minimum of 10 hours per year to help build our community. This is also a great opportunity to forge new friendships, make our school great, and make your children proud! You will make a difference.
Specific opportunities include:
During the School Day
- Help in your child's classroom as requested by your child's teacher. Teachers may ask for volunteers to help with math, reading, and/or writing.
- Help the Art Teacher with special projects in the Art Room.
- Assist children with Motor Skills (Kindergarten)
- Assist with Yard Duty at Recess and/or Lunch time.
- Staff a booth during the Science Alliance Fair
- Help Set-Up and/or Clean Up with Classroom Parties & Teacher Appreciation Week.
- Drive and/or Chaperone for a field trip.
Outside the Classroom
- Let your voice be heard! Attend a PTA General meeting or join the PTA Board.
- Join a Committee (or two!) via Konstella.
- Run the Drop Off Lane. Ensure steady traffic & safety.
- Cannot help IN the classroom? Become a Room Parent!
- Help out at a Beautification / Garden Work Day.
- Learn the drill, join Disaster Preparedness work day.
- Donate Classroom Supplies.
- Do Special Projects at home for your Teacher.
- Provide Food for Class Parties or help coordinate a meal day during Teacher Appreciation Week.
- Attend or Work a station at RHS/Dad’s Club Events.
- Donate Goods / Services / Host a "Party" for the Harvest for Learning Auction. Or ask for donations from local businesses.
- Count BoxTops or money for the FUNdraising Committee and/or Pledges for the Walkathon.
We NEED you for Morning Drop Off lane!
Duties: Set out the cones, one person stands toward the end of 39th re-enforcing safety and one person helps students out of their car in front of the school. Weeks are assigned by grade. But if you have time and it's not your child's class week, you can still volunteer! Please Sign-Up here
Parent Organizations:
School Site Council
The School Site Council is the leadership body of the school responsible for ensuring that our students' educational needs are met. It is comprised of administration, faculty, parents and community members. It is the central point of site-based management.
Parent Teacher Association
The PTA is an active organization for parents, guardians, teachers and community members providing leadership for many school activities: enrichment programs, recognition of students and teachers, fundraising and legislation involving education. We welcome your time, talents and your perspectives.
Dads' Club
Open to any gender, the Dads' Club was founded more that 50 years ago and provides direct support to the school by conducting construction improvements to the school facility, organizing activities and programs that enrich our children's educational experiences.
Room Parents
A vital part of our program, Room Parents help teachers with communications with all the families, help fulfill teacher wishlists, plan parties and teacher gifts, prepare classroom materials, coordinate special classroom activities, welcome new families.
Parent Committees
There are also several active parent committees such as the Fundraising Committee, RHS Field Science and Garden Program, Science Alliance, LGBTQ Affinity Group, the Library Committee, the Disaster Preparedness/Crisis Response Committee, and the Technology Committee.
How to Become a Volunteer
*IMPORTANT! ALL volunteers must:
Register online with the Oakland Public Ed Fund before submitting TB results or fingerprints. oaklandedfund.org Click “Join us”
Submit a negative TB scan or Risk Screening form
Field trip drivers and/or chaperones (‘unsupervised” volunteers”) must be fingerprinted in addition to the above. Please pick up a “request for live scan service” form from the office before you go to the fingerprinting service of your choice.
Contact: Margaret Moulding (RHS office) or Lilly Smith of OPEF (510) 221-6968 x708.