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Ways To Give

Help fund programs that benefit every child at RHS!

Redwood Heights School is a thriving public school in part because of parent support both in terms of time and money. RHS PTA spends more than $800 per child each year to support learning and inspire creativity in our students. To meet this commitment and grow our programs for next year, the PTA needs YOU to help us meet our fundraising goals.

This funds programs such as our Arts program including our Art instructor and the Arts studio, our classroom specialists who provide small group instruction to our students, our technology licenses, our on-site social emotional programs including our school counselor and HUGS program, our gardening/environmental curriculum, our library, classroom supplies, and more.

Why Donate

Please help support RHS through any or all of the fundraising activities listed below.

All donations are tax-deductible. The PTA’s tax ID number is 94-6173811.

Join the RHS PTA

You can now complete your membership and pay your annual dues from the comfort of your own computer or smartphone.

Sign up

No more filling out a paper form, gathering your cash or writing a check and then making sure you turn everything in to the right person. Go online, it's that easy!

Or you can Pick up a membership form in the office. Make your checks payable to RHS PTA and return them to the office.

You’ll receive a PTA membership card that you can use to receive discounts at many merchants.

Give a Direct Donation

Make a financial commitment to RHS via our Reach New Heights Fall Annual Fund campaign, as a single payment of any amount, or in monthly installments. You will get an automatic receipt for your donations, which are tax deductible and qualify for your employer's Matching Program. 

You can also donate at any time via PayPal to

A check made out to RHS PTA can be turned into the office or mailed to the school (RHS PTA, Redwood Heights Elementary, 4401 39th Ave., Oakland, CA 94619.

Employer Donation Matching Programs

Take advantage of your company’s donation matching programs. See more on the Employee Match page

Buy RHS School Spirit Gear

Buy Redwood Heights School t-shirts and hats at many school events, such the Welcome Back to School Community Kick-off and the Carnival or PTA General meetings. 

Fundraising Events during the School Year

  • Carnival (October) - have fun and support the Dad’s Club through ticket and food sales.
  • Harvest for Learning Celebration & Auction (November) – raffle ticket sales, online auction, in-person auction and host or sign-up for an auction party. This is the biggest PTA fundraiser of the year.
  • Holiday Tree Sales (December) - get a tree from the Dad’s Club to celebrate the holidays.
  • Walkathon (April/May) – ask family and friends to sponsor with donations or per lap pledges. This is the 2nd biggest PTA fundraiser of the year.
  • Scholastic Book Fair – support the RHS Library by purchasing books for the family or friends.
  • Dine Out Nights – eat out with the family on specially designated nights where a local restaurant agrees to donate a portion of their profits to RHS.